Suicide Party -_-

Things I'm never doing again: painting a room. Thank god this new @Father just dropped, and um pretty much no song embodies what I'm dealing with in my apt right now more than "Suicide Party." Lmao also the lyric "where's our advisor?" kills me ...hopefully finishing this paint job wont. I dunno, he just makes it sound like this cult is so fun, and laid back, which I guess is how they get ya huh? Either way, after that heavy Kendrick album this is exactly what I needed to help me cleanse my palate, for which I'm sure will take me at least the next three days haha. Check out my faves below.

Too much Neo-Soul at BB's

*Picture courtesy of

Check out these kids OSHUN here, they mentioned they go to NYU numerous times, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Went to go check out Red Bull Sound Select's Lion Babe thing at Baby's All Right on Tues, upon my friend's request ...and because my mom always says LB and I are soul sisters since SHE and Vanessa Williams where pregz at the same time haha. First off it was raining so I was shocked to see a long line of PoCs waiting outside the spot, so I'm like this has gotta be amazing for us to be willing to get our hair wet over (I immediately walked to the front with purpose, always worth a try guys). Alas these jams just weren't for me... every act sounded like something that would be playing at a buppie's condo after a long day at the office, in 1996, out of a 5 disk CD changer (changer? player? I don't even know, because it's MODERN DAY!). I found myself sitting at the bar wishing "Trap Queen" would just come on ....and that's when you know it's time to go. 

Bronson, Bieber and NBA All-Star Weekend

Always impressed by The Fader and the creative partnerships Cornerstone Agency develops, so it was no surprise they hosted the coolest slash most bizarre event I've ever been to. Haha yup that is J. Biebz obliterating a very blurry image of my boo Action Bronson at ping pong at The Fader's NBA All-Star Weekend party at SPiN New York. Hilarious and unforgettable night!